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What is the bus schedule in Akureyri?

Note that when you have arrived in Akureyri all transportation with the city buses are for free. The bus schedule covers a time-frame from 6.28 am till 22.36 pm all weekdays and during weekends from 12.18 till 18.55. Exceptions are on public holidays, for further information see City buss time schedule.

How to get from Akureyri to Reykavik?

Strætó offers scheduled bus tours - route57 - between Akureyri and Reykavik (and vice versa). Departure from Akureyri are outside the Cultural house Hof by Strandgata 12 (the bus stop is marked). The route takes about 6 hrs. Time schedule for all Public buses can be found on the companies webpage or by phone (+354) 540 2700.

Where is the Kururi Line located?

The Kururi Line (久留里線, Kururi-sen) is a railway line in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, operated by the East Japan Railway Company (JR East). It connects Kisarazu Station in Kisarazu to Kazusa-Kameyama Station in Kimitsu. The railway route extends through three cities, Kimitsu, Kisarazu, and Sodegaura.

What is DAMRI bus?

Selain itu, DAMRI telah menjadi salah satu operator bus tepercaya di dalam dan luar negeri selama mengabdi lebih dari 70 tahun. Melihat sejarahnya, perusahaan milik BUMN ini terbentuk pada era penjajahan Jepang pada 1943.

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